Heritage Evening 2016
Thursday, 14 April 2016
From 1930 to 2130
Medico-Chirurgical Hall
The Aberdeen Med-Chi Heritage Evening
Medical Care in Remote Situations
Refreshments available from 7pm
Chairman - Professor Sir Lewis D Ritchie, Chair of the Institute of Remote Health Care
Background & Early Developments in Remote Health Care
Professor J Nelson Norman MD, DSc, PhD, FRCS (Glas, Edin), FFOM, FSB
President of the Institute of Remote Health Care
Emeritus Professor of Environmental & Offshore Medicine
Professor Norman spent a year as Medical Officer on a British Antarctic Survey Base in 1959. Thus was born a lifelong interest in the provision of health care in remote and hostile environments including the Antarctic, diving and exploration for oil in the North Sea or deserts.
The Piper Alpha Tragedy
Professor J Graham Page ChM, FRCS, FRCEM, FFOM, Professor of Emergency Medicine
Professor Page led the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Response to the Piper Alpha Disaster in July 1988. This talk will describe how the incident unfolded and the lessons learnt in major incident management in the North Sea.
Present Day Provision of Medical Care in the North Sea Oil & Gas Industry
Dr. Graham Furnace MBChB MFOM, Medical Advisor to Oil & Gas UK
Dr. Furnace has been medical advisor to Oil & Gas UK, the UK industry representative body, since 2009. Dr. Furnace will discuss present-day arrangements for medical care in the UK North Sea, and the potential future developments for this.
Tea and coffee will be available after the meeting