21st Century Medical Masqueraders

Thursday, 07 March 2024

Room 402, Suttie Centre


7 March 2024

Professor Neil Basu, Professor of Rheumatology, University of Glasgow.

The mischievousness of the immune system is arguably best manifested by the systemic vasculitides, a group of eclectic disorders notorious for challenging physicians and surgeons of all persuasions.

Neil Basu is Professor of Musculoskeletal Medicine & Vasculitis at the University of Glasgow. He originally trained at the Universities of Edinburgh and Aberdeen and most recently he worked in the world-renowned Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Centre at the University of Michigan.

His research is entirely inspired by his clinical practice where he has always been drawn to areas of considerable need. In particular, he leads programmes of work which investigate systemic vasculitis.

Since 2015, he has won 12 grants (£2.6M) as PI and 17 grants (£58.4M) as Co-I from UKRI, EU, NIHR, CSO, Versus Arthritis and industry. In the last 6 years he has authored 53 publications (n=28 as first/senior author) and his citations currently exceed 1000/year. In 2020, The British Society of Rheumatology awarded him their prestigious Michael Mason Award for research excellence in the field of rheumatology.


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