Thursday, 18 May 2023
MedChi Hall, Aberdeen
Simulation in Medical Education: The Future
Dr Craig Brown, Honorary Clinical Senior Lecturer, University of Aberdeen & ED Consultant
(Followed by visit to the Suttie Centre)
Dr Craig Brown is a a Consultant in Emergency Medicine at Aberdeen and an honorary senior clinical lecturer in clinical simulation and deputy year 5 MBChB coordinator at the University of Aberdeen. A graduate of the University of Aberdeen, he completed his Emergency Medicine training within the North of Scotland deanery, taking a consultant position within NHS Grampian in 2018.
In recognition of his commitment and experience within medical education he was awarded the Fellowship of the Academy of Medical Educators in 2022 and is also a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. Craig completed his MSc in Clinical Education from the University of Aberdeen, investigating the effect of who you follow on from in an OSCE on the subsequent candidate’s checklist score. His main areas of simulation interests span the development and delivery of immersive simulation experiences across undergraduate, postgraduate and interprofessional curricula as well as ongoing simulation faculty development.
He has used simulation-based methods to implement changes in practice within NHS Grampian, particularly focused on systems testing following service change proposals for the management of hyperacute stroke including tele-thrombolysis and thrombectomy transfer as well as developing opportunities for trauma team leadership training. With regards to undergraduate simulation, Dr Brown leads on the implementation of a simulation curriculum within the senior years of the MBChB programme. In addition to undergraduate simulation, Craig co-coordinates the final year OSCE at the University of Aberdeen and lectures on the MSc in Clinical Education course. Dr Brown has published and presented extensively on a variety of medical education topics using an assortment of research methods including cost and value in medical education, practical assessment from both qualitative and quantitative perspectives and simulation-based projects.