President’s Medal

Thursday, 16 February 2023

MedChi Hall, Aberdeen

President’s Medal Lecture – 2022/2023

Communication, Culture, Learner and Patient Safety

Professor Rona Patey, Director of the Institute of Education in Healthcare Medical Science, University of Aberdeen

Professor Rona Patey (MBChB, FRCA, FRCS, MEd) graduated from the University of Aberdeen in 1982 and has been a Consultant Anaesthetist in Aberdeen since 1991. She held several lead roles relating to her NHS work including Lead for Resuscitation Training, Lead for Intensive Care, Chair of Grampian Advisory Anaesthetic Senior Staff Group. She was appointed as Director of the Foresterhill Clinical Skills Centre in 2001.

In 2011, Rona was appointed as Head of the Division of Medical and Dental Education and in 2015 as the Director of the Institute for Education in Medical and Dental Sciences at the University of Aberdeen. In this latter rote she has responsibility for a team of more than 100 members of staff and the admissions, educational delivery and educational governance in the School of Medicine, Medica! Sciences and Nutrition. She has been an Education Associate with the GMC since 2016 and has held several other roles in medical education including Chair of the Scottish Clinical Skills Network (2007-10) and Chair of the Scottish Medical Education Deans Group (2015-19.) She has a long-held interest in education for patient safety, in particular ‘learning from error' and ‘human factors'.


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