The Society was founded in 1789 as the Aberdeen Medical Society by students unhappy with the quality of their teaching. It evolved into a postgraduate Medical Society in 1811. More recently it has become a society for consultants and general practice principals, but is now open to other career grade doctors, and doctors in training.
Today, Aberdeen Medico-Chirurgical Society has over 300 members with plans to substantially increase membership in the years ahead.
The Society continues to play an important role in the medical community overseeing funding bursaries for student electives, providing access to portraits, artefacts and documents which form a unique record of local, national and international medical developments as well as promoting historical and epidemiological research through the use of its extensive library.
The History of Medicine in the North East of Scotland is showcased in changing displays in the foyer of the Med-Chi Hall and with regular Heritage Events. The hall is often open during Aberdeen City Doors Open Days (but not in 2024).